Monday, February 28, 2011

Yesterday I turned 25

I wanted to take some time to reflect on who I have become, some of the things that have happened to me along the way, and some hopes for the future.  So, in celebration I decided to make a list.  I couldn't decide on one theme, so I chose 5 lists of 5.  

seat number 25

5 significant events in my life
  1. My junior year of high school.  The toughest year of my teens with lots of drama and heartbreak, but also one that taught me a lot about true friendship!  
  2. Meeting Mark, my best friend and soulmate whom I cannot say "I love you!" and "Thank you!" to enough!  You've been right along beside me ever since we met, and have helped me overcome and grow so much!
  3. Attending the Oregon Extension (with Mark) the fall semester of our Junior year.  Not only did we learn a lot about ourselves, eachother, God, and too many other things to list... we also found home.  
  4. Our year spent in Denver, CO was one of the hardest, and yet meaninful year for me.  I learned to forgive, trust, and most of all allow myself to dream!  I'm so grateful for the love and support of dear friends and family who helped us along the way!
  5. Moving to Portland, OR.  We had to overcome A LOT of stuff in order to get to where we are today!  We are finally home!!!
5 things I do well
  1. Knit
  2. Laugh
  3. Arts and Crafts
  4. Repurposing
  5. Giving myself french manicures
5 things you may or may not know about me
  1. From the moment I got "Spike" my favorite Cabbage Patch Kid I snuggled with him every night until I got married!
  2. I used to be a fairly picky eater until I met Mark.
  3. I love collecting small bits of nature.
  4. I really miss my besties!  Brittany, The Fab 4, and my C.A.T. Camp girlies... these girls are my sisters!  I love them so much and miss them all something fierce!
  5. The smell of lavender, pine, and fresh mountain air bring tears to my eyes.
5 of my favorite things
  1. Chocolate
  2. Honey
  3. Buttons: I'm working on a vintage/antique button collection... everytime I see a button bin at a thrift or vintage/antique store I squeal with delight and am not satisfied until I've thuroughly dug through the bin in order to find exactly the right specimines for my collection!
  4. My puppy boy, Oliver!  He brings a lot of joy and a whole lotta love to our lives!
  5. Being barefoot and soaking up sunshine!

5 things I want to do before I turn 30
  1. Become a mama
  2. Knit a sweater
  3. Make a quilt
  4. Fill an art journal
  5. Travel outside of the U.S.

(Just a few days before my 25th birthday.)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How the Tallest Man on Earth brought us home.

A certain musician, a song, or sound can connect us with a moment, a season, or an entire year. If you watch the above video you will hear an artist named The Tallest Man on Earth. If you are interested in a truly interactive experience, go ahead and click play on that video...and read on. 

This summer we packed up all of our possessions and pointed a moving truck westward. It would take us twenty-two hours to reach  a land we have dreamt of for many years, the state of Oregon. Those twenty-two hours were filled with varying landscapes, endless plains, and rolling hills. We filled those hours with albums after albums of our favorite musicians. Those musicians have already settled themselves into specific moments in our life. Vetiver, our summer honeymoon drive through the dry climate of Northern California. Devendra Banhart, the winding roads of the Cascades, sun beams breaking through the pines. 

The Columbia River met us after several hours of driving northwest through Eastern Oregon. We met it at the top of its downward trajectory towards the Pacific. The last three hours of our journey home would hug her banks, the walls she carved rising on either side of us. At some point Beth opened the CD case and slid in of our newest albums into the truck's player. The rapid strumming, the piercing vocals of Kristian Matsoon, The Tallest Man on Earth. For the next three hours it was our soundtrack to one of the most beautiful landscapes in all of the world, the Columbia River Gorge.

So now, when I hear those familiar chords, that jaring voice, I am completely transported. I am there in that truck, I am seeing the white caps of the choppy Columbia, I am imagining the salmon in their rhythmic, ancient quest, fighting their way upstream under the surface. We turn with her, and now I see the white blanket covering Mt. Hood. We turn again and I cannot believe how quickly such a huge mountain can disappear. We sink more, the walls grow taller. Deeper and closer to home. The cracked window whistling, the guitar strums quickening, the sweet smell of pine laden air. 

I can sit here now, and be completely transported. Where are your songs taking you?   

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What we've been up to lately...

Mark got Mac!  

Beth got an iPod touch with the money she saved up from knitting sales 
and as an early Valentines/Birthday gift from Mark!  
She's been having fun taking pictures and videos, as you can see!

(Really, we are both just a couple of nerds.)

Spring is already popping up in Portland!

(Aren't you jealous?)

We used our Christmas gift money to purchase a new mattress and bed!

Oliver likes that our new bed is big enough for all three of us!

We've been doing lots of neat and fun things with the West Hills Youth Group!
Our recent activities include: Glow in the dark - indoor - pirate themed - mini golf, the High School girls working a sack lunch auction for an upcoming Hati Medical Missions trip some members of our meeting are going on (they raised $900!!!), and our middle school group now meets on Sundays so more students  (and Beth!) can attend!

And as of yesterday, Beth has one less tooth!  Molar number 2 had to go! 
Thankfully she is healing well and has been pain free!

It really does feel good to call Portland home, and we couldn't feel anymore blessed!