Friday, June 24, 2011

an update

Dearest friends. How many times do I need to apologize for our laziness with this thing? Errr...sorry :/

The last couple weeks have included trips to both Denver and Pennsylvania for me. It was wonderful to connect with all of our friends and family again. It was also wonderful to reflect on where we have been, and how we ended up here in Oregon. I always thought of these return trips to our former homes as tests to whether or not we have settled here, and I am happy to report that we have. While this comes as a disappointment to many of our friends and family in other states, it is assuring and comforting to know that we have found a place that seems right to us.

We feel blessed to have so many communities across the country that continue to welcome us whenever we visit. Your hospitality makes us feel like we are at home wherever we go, so thank you.


Tonight, in Portland, the blue sky hung over the west hills until after 9:30pm. These cool summer nights, absent of the rain and clouds, surge with life.