Sunday, September 18, 2011

An Exciting Announcement!

I'm not sure that there are many people who read this, who are not also our friends on facebook...but in case you exist, then I'd hate for you to feel left out! Today Beth and I announced that we will be expecting our first child in March of 2012! This, as you can imagine, has been an amazing time for the both of us. When we found out in August (on our anniversary!) we knew that we would have to be careful how we handled the news. We knew we were going to see our families in Pennsylvania in early September and so we had to keep our news a secret until then. After revealing the great news to our families, we had to ask them to keep it a secret as we wanted to tell everyone at West Hills in person (not on facebook). Thankfully everything worked out as planned, and now we are happy to announce publicly that we are very excited to be Mama and Papa in another six months!

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